Fighting to Empower Women & Girls

When We Go Out Into The World Bold And Empowered, We Raise Everyone Else.

The Story of Shuzet Botanica

It began with our founder, Ping, and her belief in something revolutionary: that business could be a force for good and a voice for all. Rooted in authenticity, powered by positivity, and inspired by our community. Our mission is to help empower women to see their own beauty, embrace their individuality and be confident in their own skin. Rise up with confidence from within and never let others tell you otherwise. When we are uplifted, we can uplift others.

As a beauty company founded by a woman, Ping wants to empower women of all ages from all backgrounds and ethnicity who are still grossly underrepresented, with no voice and no agency.

Fighting For Equality

She built Shuzet on empowering women and girls with every product and every business decision, striving for equality and creating opportunities for women.

Here in Shuzet, we believe that every woman has the right to be heard, be beautiful, deserved, believed, be respected  and be loved.

We Rise Together As One

We envision a world where women are confident and empowered to pursue their dreams through life’s milestones, supporting and having each other’s back. We are the voice of all, and no one should be left behind. Our goal is to  uphold women’s rights and ensure that every woman and girl is given the chance to live up to her full potential. We will walk the talk and be the change we wish to see in this world.

Rise Up With Self Love

We believe that self love matters, where every woman should be empowered to love themself and their body, knowing that they are worthy and having the power to be who they really want to be.

We live in an imperfect world where brands and businesses continue to profit from our insecurities by undermining our self-esteem and sense of beauty, and by feeding off our collective self-doubt. 

You’re More Than Enough

So much of how we think our body should look like, is funneled through a lot of inherited thoughts about how the world thinks we should look like. We have been socialized and conditioned to believe we need to continue being better in order to love ourselves. All that social media is shaping our perceptions, convincing us that someone, somewhere is doing better in life and looking better than you and that you’re just not good enough.

Love Your Body, You’re Beautiful

Self-love is like a superpower that lifts us all up. No matter where you are in your life right now, no matter what shape your body is, you are you. Do know that you’re special the way you are. We believe that nothing is more beautiful than a confident woman who loves herself for who she is and doesn’t pretend to be someone she is not. She believes that with our beauty products, we can embrace women and be confident to be the best version of themselves instead of making women look a certain way where the beauty industry had set their ideas and standards on what girls and women should look like.

5 Minutes Of Self Love Routine Daily

It all starts within. Our products and beauty rituals are made for everybody to help embrace who you are and let it shine. It’s more about a daily ritual of self-love, and never promising to make them look like someone else.

Forever Against Animal Testing

We take cruelty to animals seriously, and this includes the ingredients we put in our products.

Animal testing isn’t a necessary practice in the beauty industry. Our products undergo extensive testing to ensure they’re safe and effective but still cruelty-free. In fact, cruelty-free products tend to be safer, and contain significantly less chemicals than other non-cruelty-free products on the market.

Thank you for fighting against animal testing with us! Together we can protect the animals from harm. There’s never been a better time to call for an end to animal testing in cosmetics!

Sustainable Packaging

Given the scale of the climate crisis, we’re committed to becoming the most sustainable business we can be, and we’re always striving to reduce our impact on the planet. 

Change isn’t something that happens overnight. It’s something that happens gradually. Thus, we are constantly reviewing our product packaging and working toward long-term sustainability goals. 

This is how we’re working to develop zero waste packaging.