What Does Your Dream Really Mean & What Are They Telling You

by sharel

May 12, 2022

Seeing yourself dying? Teeth falling out? Being chased endlessly? Most of us can remember at least one such dream from feeling all too real to play with our deepest fear!  

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So “What was that all about? What do they really mean?”

  1. Dreams About Falling

You know that pit-in-your stomach feeling you get when you dream of falling from high up? It can be associated with feeling out of control, fear or overwhelmed. They may also relate to feeling unsupported and insecure. Falling often expresses a need to let go of certain feelings, things or thoughts from the past or future and only focus on the moment.

  1. Dreams About Being Chased

What do dreams of being chased say about what’s going on inside your mind? So are you actually anxious about something, experiencing heightened or ongoing stress? You may want to reflect on how the dream made you feel and how those emotions relate to what’s going on in your life. Slow down and try living at a pace that won’t lead to burnout, which causes overwhelming and prolonged exhaustion.

May be an image of flower and indoor
  1. Dreams About Dying

Don’t worry! You’re not going to die in REAL LIFE! Ok, so yeah, the fact that death can symbolize an ending. Dreaming of your own death often represents the end of something — perhaps a career, relationship, or other life-altering change. This could mean that you’re in a major life transition. 

  1. Dreams About Your Ex

Dreaming about a long-ago ex, especially a first love, is incredibly common. This can be a very confusing feeling that you may not know what to do with. 

No, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you want to get back together with them or cheat on your partner, so yes you don’t have to feel guilty about it at all! 

There might be any unresolved feelings you have about them or any fears, insecurities, and desires being activated in the dreams.Your subconscious may be helping you heal by giving you an opportunity to explore, process, and resolve your emotions around the situation. 

  1. Dreams About Losing Teeth

Waking up with cold sweat dreaming of losing your teeth? It means we feel like we can’t break down life’s problems into manageable sizes. When you dream of it again the next time, just remember: you’ve got this, one step at a time and your to-do list is your best friend.

Yes, we know stress dreams can ruin your entire night and how it feels leaving your stomach churning. Better sleep and less stress are key.

So here are a few things you can do to avoid nightmares and get more restful sleep:

  • Letting yourself unwind and find a moment of clarity after a long day could just be the ticket for a sublime sleep.Take a few extra minutes before bed with an Unwind Scented Candle.
  • A night journal helps you put the day to bed and set you up for a great tomorrow. As you fill a couple of journal pages, diffuse essential oils with aromas that help bring clarity and calm, like Lemongrass oil.
  • If you have little ones, you know how important a bedtime routine is for getting a good sleep—and the same holds true for adults! Put on a sheet mask, use a pillow mist and soak your feet every night with a few drops of Lavender essential oil, these routines will help prepare your body for rest and relaxation before going to sleep.
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A bad quality sleep or a nightmare is a near guarantee for a cranky morning. The best thing you can do for tomorrow is get a good night’s sleep today. Thankfully, it’s time to say goodbye to your stressful dreams! 

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